Take time to slow down, find your center and experience the joy available in all seasons. Join Tibetan master teacher and scholar, Namchak Khen Rinpoche for a course focused on the foundational practice of Calm Abiding meditation, or Shamata.

The  course will be a blend of teaching and practice with the aim of cultivating more calm and center in your life. In his profound yet humorous style, Khen Rinpoche will teach you how to build the backbone of your meditation practice and provide tangible ways to embody compassion, joy, and courage so you show up as your best self at work, home, and in relationships.

This course is perfect for beginner and experienced meditators alike!

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    1. The Tibetan Buddhist Practice of Calm Abiding

    • Welcome and Introduction

  • 2

    2. The Way of Meditating

    • Preparations of Body, Speech, and Mind

  • 3

    3. The Why of Shamata

    • Understanding the Importance of Shamata

  • 4

    4. The How of Shamata

    • Directions for Meditating with an Outer Object

  • 5

    5. Shamata with an Outer Object

    • Practice 1 Outer Object (21 minutes)

    • Practice 2 Outer Object (18 minutes)

    • Practice 3 Outer Object (7 minutes)

    • Practice 4 Outer Object (4 minutes)

    • Practice 5 Outer Object (14 minutes)

  • 6

    6. Methods Discussion

    • An Introduction to the Nine Methods of Shamata

  • 7

    7. Shamata with Inner Object

    • Practice 1 Inner Object (11 minutes)

    • Practice 2 Inner Object (24 minutes)

    • Practice 3 Inner Object (13 minutes)

    • Practice 4 Inner Object (13 minutes)

  • 8

    8. Common Questions

    • Khen Rinpoche Addresses Student Questions

  • 9

    9. Conclusion

    • Closing Remarks from Khen Rinpoche

  • 10

    Next Steps...

    • More Resources for You

    • Before you go...